National Highways England Visit

Sid Pourfalah
May 11, 2023

Concrete4Change was delighted to host the net-zero team from National Highways England (NH) toour laboratory centre. As one of the leading net-zero organisations, National Highways is committed to decarbonising its maintenance operations and new constructions by 2040. Concrete4Change hosted teNH teams including Material Innovation, Low Carbon, Concrete Structures and Program Leads.

The C4C team presented its technology and lab operations to the delegates from NH - demonstrating advanced facilities in the lab and explaining the capability for developing the world's first true net-zero concrete. It was heart-warming for the C4C team to learn that around 10% of the NH Tendering Matrix is currently allocated to the reduction of emissions.

This highlights the financial and strategic importance of net-zero concrete and demonstrates why companies should invest in such a technology. Collaboration between C4C and NH enhances the development of our technology. Concrete4Change is proud to be working with net-zero leading organisations such as NH and we welcome new partnerships to help advance the mission for net-zero concrete. Special thanks goes to National Highways and the Lower Thames Crossing teams for visiting our lab and we're looking forward to progressing our collaboration.

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