Lifecycle Analysis of Prototype C4C Carrier

Dalraj Nijjar
April 4, 2023

Reducing embodied carbon is a key focus for all involved in the built environment value chain. At Concrete4Change, we're developing our technology with the target of significantly reducing embodied emissions and permanently locking up CO2 in concrete, whilst ensuring the production of our carrier technology is zero-emission.

With the current generation of our prototype carrier technology, we have been working with Impact Forecast, one of the best-known life-cycle analysis platforms to verify the carbon mitigation impact of our technology at present.

They have validated our technology and issued a certificate that highlights our potential to mitigate 1.9 megatonnes of CO2 emissions per year, assuming 28 million m3 of concrete is produced in a year, utilising Concrete4Change's technology. We're focused on delivering on this potential and indeed increasing our mitigation impact over time, helping the concrete industry reach true net-zero.

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