Dr. Aleksandra Gonciaruk

Adsorption Chemist
I am proud to work with talented Concrete4Change team renovating concrete from destructive material into the most reliable CO2 storage solution"

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Dr. Aleksandra Gonciaruk is gas adsorption specialist with 5 years' experience in the field of analytical and adsorption science that focuses on molecular level interactions, material pore structure characterization and adsorbent development. Her PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Manchester focused on computer simulations of CO2 adsorption in polymeric and graphene materials. She was a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham where she coupled two analytical instruments and developed methodology to investigate CO2 adsorption in geological materials. Before joining Concrete4Change she worked as a Research Fellow at Cranfield University in collaboration with Innovate UK funded start-up company developing an emergency oxygen system for an aircraft.

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